Case study: Global employee outreach for a pharmaceutical manufacturer

Executive Summary

Our client, one of the world’s leading pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, produces vaccines and pharmaceuticals for human and animal health. In addition to headquarters in Germany, the company also operates subsidiaries and sales offices in Canada, China, Denmark, France, the Netherlands, Spain, and the United States. Scriptis began working with the corporate communications team to translate the quarterly employee newsletter from German to English.

The Challenge

The international version of the newsletter targets employees around the globe. Therefore, the translators on this project were instructed to write lively, easy-to-read text for speakers of English as a second language. In addition, the linguists required knowledge of the pharmaceuticals industry to render technical matter properly in English.


Aside from a small amount of boilerplate information, each edition of the magazine brings entirely new text. Therefore, the benefits of the translation team’s productivity tools cannot be fully realized when translating this type of content. However, style, terminology, and tone do need to be consistent across projects, so the client-specific style guide serves as an essential resource for our translators. In addition to translating internal communications, we translated external communications such as press releases. 


Since we first partnered with this client, we’ve translated over 100,000 words’ worth of newsletters, press releases, and presentations. Scriptis specializes in combining technical expertise with fluid, professional writing crafted to reach any audience. In addition, our translation team genuinely enjoys translating the latest news from our friends in Germany.