Advice and Insights for Clients

December 14, 2020

Multilingual DTP (Desktop Publishing): Process and Procedures

Multilingual DTP (Desktop Publishing): Process and Procedures When translating print or digital media such as brochures, catalogs, ads, or posters, you’ll typically need multilingual DTP (desktop publishing) services as well. The new language will change the look and layout of your design. When translating into […] (Read more...)

December 14, 2020

What are CAT tools and how do they benefit you?

What Are CAT tools and how do they benefit you? What are CAT tools? Almost all professional translators use computer-assisted translation (CAT) tools. These are not the same as automated translation engines. They do not replicate or replace humans’ unique ability to interpret meaning. Instead, […] (Read more...)

December 2, 2020

What is transcreation?

What is transcreation? Great marketing copy doesn’t happen overnight. It requires multiple iterations of concept testing, rewriting, and audience testing. The process becomes more difficult when you’re creating content in multiple languages. Recently, Brand Quarterly argued that there are only two strategies for localizing marketing messages: […] (Read more...)

November 23, 2020

Translation for CAD drawings: process and procedures

Translation for CAD drawings: process and procedures Our clients in architecture, engineering, industrial design, and manufacturing often need translation for CAD drawings.  For these projects, teamwork and communication between the translation project manager and the client is essential. What files do we need? For almost […] (Read more...)

November 23, 2020

Translation for technical terms: how to build a multilingual glossary

Translation for technical terms: how to build a multilingual glossary When a client comes to us with a specialized translation job, we recommend translation for technical terms followed by creation of a multilingual glossary to guide the translation process. Most industries have their own specialized […] (Read more...)